Moj profil

Marshmallow Cvijetici


Djeciji biseri… absolutno neodoljive uz toplu cokoladu!

Djeciji biseri… absolutno neodoljive uz toplu cokoladu!


250 g secera
100 ml vode (ili soka)
100 g margarina
100 g kokosa
po zelji marshmallows (razne boje)



U serpu sipati vodu i secer. Kada uzavri, skloniti serpu i dodati margarin u kocke nek se skroz otopi. Preliti masu u doboki sud, te dodati kokos i mleveni keks.


Sjediniti sastojke i smesu naneseti u pleh (ili kalup) pa izravniti (debljina kore treba biti odprilike 2 cm). Staviti pleh u hladnjaku nek se kora skroz stvrdne.


Izvaditi koru i napraviti cvijetice (s nozom ili metalnim kalupima za medenjake). Peci u zagrejanoj rerni, 200 stepeni, oko 10 min.


Posle 10 minuta izvaditi pleh i na svaki cvijetic staviti marshmallows po ukusu (ja sam upotrebila rose, bele, zelene i zute s razlicitim ukusima). Peci u rernu jos ca. 5 min, nek se marshmallow otopi. Pazite na kolace da vrh neizgori!


‘It seems likely that the marshmallow first came into being as a medicinal substance, since the mucilaginous extracts from the root of the marsh mallow plant, Althaea officinalis, were praised as a soothing remedy for sore throats. Concoctions of other parts of the marshmallow plant had medical uses as well.[2]

The use of marshmallow to make a candy dates back to ancient Egypt, where the recipe called for extracting sap from the plant and mixing it with nuts and honey. (Another pre-modern recipe uses the pith of the marshmallow plant, rather than the sap. The stem was peeled back to reveal the soft and spongy pith, which was boiled in sugar syrup and dried to produce a soft, chewy confection.’


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